💕💕💕 Had a baby last week 💕💕💕

Isla sporting a milk mustache and a fairy footprint on her belly. <3

Of course I went into labor on the evening after Warren had been on the roof literally since 5 AM. He put in a fourteen hour day of hard work getting the north face of the roof insulated, sheathed, and tar-papered. I had been experiencing contractions throughout the day but didn't want to worry Warren about it while he was so focused on the project at hand. When he came in around 7:30 PM to me curled up in bed, I gently let him know that baby was imminent. Sure enough, we went in to the birth center at 2 AM. After a truly surreal night, Baby Isla arrived at 8:51 AM on May 29, 2019.

Tyvek, rafters, foil-faced ridged-foam insulation taped and foamed, insulation bats, cardboard baffles, styrofoam baffles, look-outs, plywood, moisture barrier.... So many steps to this darned roof!

While this has been one of the best weeks of my life getting to know our new little creature, I have been unashamedly negligent on doing anything with the house project. I have been perfectly content admiring this baby and resting. We have been enjoying the birds chirping, the wind rustling the leaves, and the sun flooding through the skylights from the confines of our cabin. I almost don't recognize myself. Normally this sedate lifestyle would throw me into a paroxysm of agitation, but I am perfectly content to just be.

I think this is what they call maternal bliss. 

Thankfully, Warren has still been at it! No fourteen hour days, but here and there he has gotten things done. For one thing, the other side of the roof is now also protected from the elements. What a relief! We aren't racing the rain gods anymore. Next step is installing the metal roofing and the chimney. He has also done our annual dump run, mowed our mile-long driveway and the trail to his parents, and done some general site clean-up.

Check out that roof! And check out that hunk!!

That isn't to say I did nothing the weeks leading up to the baby. I had been steadily working on my staircase. They say right before you go into labor, you experience a sudden burst of energy where you typically get all the last-minute baby stuff in order. Well, I got that the day before contractions started and had a ball whipping out landing pieces and trim pieces for the stairs! I had so much fun. Probably should have done a few last-minute baby things and/or taken a nap instead, but hindsight is 20/20.

Ventured out today to check out the trim pieces I finished during my last burst of pregnancy energy before the baby came.


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