Reminiscence:: Placing the First Post

One year ago we placed the first post in our timber-framed home. It took ten months to place our last post (not including the stairs or the entryway which we have yet to finish). We were naive but cute when we thought the main frame would be up by the end of last summer.  

Stupid happy. :)

It's been a whirlwind of a year dedicated to working on this house of ours and adding to our family. Last summer seems like a lifetime away. It was a simple thing we did, placing our first post, and there is beauty in simplicity. We were self-sufficient in that we didn't have to rent any special equipment. We just had some friends over and put some wood together with our hands. The house project has only gotten more complex since then. Our lives in general are more complex with a little one in the mix. More complex but richer.

It is amusing to me how pleased we were with ourselves putting together the first mortise and tenon. We have pieced together hundreds of joints since this time, but the first one received the most attention and admiration. 

The landscape around here is changing as fast as the fabric of our lives. At the beginning of last summer our yard was a dust bowl and our home a concrete bowl. This year we have somewhat of a lawn and a towering beautiful structure. We are weaving one beautiful tapestry, and I am constantly astounded by our good fortune and many blessings.


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